Flourish Realty LLC provides full service real estate and property management services for Minneapolis/St Paul, and the greater Twin Cities Metro Area of Minnesota. We do our utmost to represent and guide our clients towards the best possible solutions, and we “get the job done”. Our motto is our wish for you, our community, our environment, and all the precious life on our blue-green planet.


A Realtor and Property Manager for nearly 10 years, he is a member of the National, Minnesota, and Minneapolis Realtor Associations, the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, a Certified EcoBroker (the “green” designation in Real Estate), and an AHIT certified Home Inspector. 

Dan started his brokerage in 2010, after gaining experience as a Realtor and Property Manager with other local brokerages. Previous life and work experiences bring a varied set of skills to his current work: financial planning, customer service, debt collection, home inspection, mortgage advisor, remodeling, marketing, environmental studies, writing, theater arts, religious studies, and crisis counseling. All very necessary and helpful skills to find in your real estate agent!

Dan lives in Minneapolis with his wife Kim.  Dan also believes in giving back to the community, and doing his part to ensure a flourishing culture and environment in Minnesota for generations to come. He volunteers with organizations such as Great River Greening, the Minnesota Master Naturalist Program, Friends of the Mississippi, and the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society. For fun, he likes to go hiking with his dog and explore new trails, grow native plants and attract wildlife to his backyard, play guitar and sing, read about history and theology, and would like to write a play someday.

Phone:  612-408-0233
Email:  Dan@flourishrealty.net


Andrea has lived all over the twin cities area, but currently dwells in Rosemount with her son Caine and two dogs, Amos and Blueberry.  

Having worked in management for several years in the service industry, Andrea is a "people person" and a top performing Realtor.  Lately her hobbies revolve around home improvement projects, landscaping, and she loves traveling to tropical and Caribbean destinations.

Phone:  612-327-3325
Email: Andrea@flourishrealty.net


Anil has been a tax preparer and mortgage broker for many decades, now specializing in business/tax planning, investment properties, and business/corporation set up.  If you have a chance to chat, he will offer a great deal of financial and business advice. Be sure to take notes!

Anil lives in Richfield with his wife Teresa.  Their two brilliant children are off to college already and starting their careers.  He has a few hobbies, but most of all, Anil likes analyzing financial information, talking about money, making money, and helping others to prosper and flourish too, helping them find their way through the complicated world of mortgage, tax, real estate, and numerous other consumer transactions.

Phone:  612-499-1726
Email:  Manager@flourishrealty.net